Austin Bead Society - homepage...
Welcome to the Austin Bead SocietyWebsite The Austin Bead Society was formed in
October, 1990. The objectives of the Society are to promote education and
research regarding beads and bead-related sub...
24 Pages Found, 3 Links Found, 1146 Score,
Bead Society of Great Britain (BSGB) Homepage...
Bead Society of Great Britain ABOUT THE SOCIETY The Bead Society of Great
Britain, (formed in September 1989), is a subscription-based, non-profitmaking,
non-commercial venture run by a permanent Tea...
4 Pages Found, 1 Links Found, 783 Score,
Bead Society of Greater Chicago...
- Bead Society of Greater Chicago, events, workshops, lectures, meetings, members
14 Pages Found, 16 Links Found, 9580 Score,
- Bead Society of Greater Washington...
- Welcome! The Bead Society of Greater Washington presents the 33rd
Semi-Annual Bead Bazaar April 28, 2001 10 AM - 5 PM April 29, 2001 11 AM - 5 PM
*NOTE NEW LOCATION* Exhibition Center at the Ramada...
2 Pages Found, 0 Links Found, 176 Score,
- Bead Society of Los Angeles.html...
- Bead Society of Los Angeles is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study
of beads ...
7 Pages Found, 8 Links Found, 561 Score,
- beadz...
- The Bead Gallery in Juneau, Alaska. br Unconventional beads, gemstones, jewelry.
br HQ for the Juneau Bead Society....
22 Pages Found, 8 Links Found, 5059 Score,
- Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild Homepage...
- GLBG main page, links to our Featured Artist, gift shop, calendar of events,
bead-related links...
14 Pages Found, 7 Links Found, 421 Score,
- International Jewelry Designers' Guild presents the Jewelry Designers'
- The International Jewelry Designers' Guild is an internet community for artists
creating unique jewelry made from materials as diverse as can be imagined. ...
87 Pages Found, 104 Links Found, 2110 Score,
- International Society of Glass Beadmakers...
- The International Society of Glass Beadmakers is a non-profit organization
dedicated to promoting and supporting the art of making hand-crafted glass
30 Pages Found, 42 Links Found, 1231 Score,
- msvbeadsociety...
- An Alaskan group interested in beads....
17 Pages Found, 13 Links Found, 712 Score,
- National Bead Society...
- Please be sure to visit our sponsors. They make this site possible. Click here
to go to the main page of the NBS web site. Click here to go to the NBS Bead
Forum. Click here for the Who's Got the Bea...
166 Pages Found, 114 Links Found, 678 Score,
- Northwest Bead Society...
- Non-profit organization open to anyone, dedicated to the study of beads, beading
techniques and the historical role of beads in human development....
35 Pages Found, 163 Links Found, 1195 Score,
- Rocky Mountain Bead Society---What's Happening with BEADS in the
- Rocky Mountain Bead Society Welcome to RMBS on the Web! See what wonderful
things we're doing in the Denver-Metro Area!...
29 Pages Found, 62 Links Found, 581 Score,
- The Bead Society of Greater New York...
- In Memory of the Thousands of Victims at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania, September 11, 2001 ...
15 Pages Found, 90 Links Found, 1172 Score,
- Upper Midwest Bead Society - Links to member pages and Bead Societies...
- UMBS Upper Midwest Bead Society (updated 12 20 2001) What's New? UMBS in the
News Class and Event Calendar Past Events Board Members Links to UMBS Member
Pages, Bead Society & Bead Guilds, etc. Want ...
20 Pages Found, 66 Links Found, 261 Score,